I had such a good time hanging out with my artist friends today and painting on Ustream.tv. I took this quick photo in the little mirror to the left of my easel and posted it just before I started painting, so folks could sort of see what my reference was. The surface is an 8" x 10" canvas panel from Utrecht. It was a two hour session, so a bit slapdash. I suppose I could fiddle with the painting to make it more "accurate" but I think I'll leave it as it is.
Thank you to those of you who kept me company and added so much to the fun!
Susan, your self-portrait is just beautiful! It's so much more colorful here than on UStream. You're so good!
I really enjoyed watching you paint and painting along with you. I signed in this time, but I don't think the chat was working part of the time. Maybe I wasn't doing something right...
I can't wait to see what you do next!
A very enjoyable 2 hrs, watching you paint again, and such a revelation! You make it look so easy, you are so confident, and the portrait is sensational. You are so pretty.
I'm off to paint a portrait!
Thanks again, Susan! It was a lovely and thoroughly enjoyable 2 hours! What a beautiful portrait!
I can hardly wait until highspeed is available in my area. I miss so many wonderful things, like you painting your self portrait. You are a constant inspiration!
Susan this turned out wonderful - sorry I couldn't join in the fun. I peeked in for a second and then had to go. I'll watch the video later though.
Hi Susan, sorry I missed out. We are on the road today. First to Truth or Consequences to see our friend, Gen, then back to Silver City. No internet until we get home. I will watch the video then. The painting is great. :)
Lovely, Susan. I had to miss the show but was able to watch the first half of the video. You're doing a fine job with these programs.
Susan, I really like the finished porduct! I did show up to watch but was in and out so I am loving seeing how beautifully it all came together. Loving it!
Hi Susan, Thank you again for painting for us, I just love it. Didn't get around to painting myself today, maybe tomorrow. Did do a portrait though. You make it look easier than it is.
You had better leave it as it is!!!
Great job. I wish I could have watched.
Too bad I didn't get to see it and your self portrait has excellent accuracy - no slapdash there!
I love this! This is slapdash? I wish I could paint slapdash. :P
Thank you Everybody! Sorry for my delay in responding to your wonderful comments. I'm getting ready for my blog workshop on Saturday, so my manners have slipped. Now I'm off to see what you've been painting this week!
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