Video of Oil Portrait Beginning

Okay. I'm reeling from the new awareness that I have some serious jowlage. I never see myself from the angle portrayed in this video and I'm just this side of horrified. Okay, I'm smack in the middle of horrified. I turn my head and the skin over my jaw goes all corrugated! Who knew?! And what's up with my voice? I sound like Minnie Mouse on helium. Sigh.

Be aware that this is a 24 minute video. I did trim out 21 minutes of frustration where my big ol' hair was in the way most of the time. And be aware that it is unscripted. I just started the video and started talking and painting. Gawd. Just remember that some of you actually asked me to do this. Still, do NOT feel obligated to spend your next 24 minutes in this manner. If you do, I guess you've been warned.

This I now know: Creating a video is not best done solo. I need to not only mark the place where the camera is to sit, but also where the easel is to stay! Duh. I need to not talk over my shoulder. It isn't pretty. I also need to have an idea of what information I'll cover. Duh2.
But for the intrepid among you, I hope there's some useful/entertaining-enough nugget in there to be worth your while. Let me know? I promise to work on improving. And I promise to post the painting when it's finished. Excuse me now while I go schedule that face lift....


Diana Marshall said...

Hi Susan,
I really enjoyed your video with my morning cup of coffee, don't worry that it's not perfect, got a lot of useful information. It's so helpful to see somebody else painting and see their methods, you make it look easy! Some other artists' videos I have watched, have scrunched up their painting into a few minutes with no commentary, not helpful. Do you mix the first layer of paint with any medium or is it neat paint?
I'm looking forward to the next installment!
Thanks for taking the time to make the video for all of us learners!
Hasta Manaña Diana

Susan Carlin said...

Oh, Diana. Oh n.r.h.- Thank you so much. The woman who commissioned this painting just emailed me to say she loved the start of the painting and that I should try "aging with attitude." She's right, of course. Diana, I thinned some burnt umber with a little Gamsol odorless mineral spirits to do the sketch, and if I need to thin paint along the way, I use it for my 'medium', too. I'm occasionally trying out using linseed oil, but haven't yet on this painting. Will work more on it this morning....

Jo Castillo said...

Oh, how fun. I am supposed to be getting ready for our trip. Ouch! But I had to see what is up....

I have learned from this video. Better than many of the videos that cost bucks!

I do not do portraits as you know. Even though the flash makes the ear so prominent, I would made it darker so that it would not be a focal eye catcher, but you know that. :)

It will be fun to see the finish. I will have to catch up next week.

See ya....

Mary J DuVal said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this - you have an engaging personality and I DID learn from you. I will look forward to future videos. Bravo!!

Rose Welty said...

Susan, thanks for posting this video. It is fascinating to watch. I haven't really watched anyone paint before...I really learned alot.

Looking forward to seeing more.

Amy Gethins Sullivan said...

Oh My! I loved your video! I actually loved the fact that it was not perfect. I enjoyed seeing how you start your paintings. She is looking wonderful. What a treasure. And you look lovely, no surgery necessary. Amy

Susan Carlin said...

Gracious! Thank you so much for leaving a comment Jo, ArtbyMJ, Rose and Amy. You've done it now- I'm encouraged enough to try it again sometime. With some changes, of course! Without the drumming in the background, for one thing!
Jo, I calmed that ear down a bit today. May calm it more tomorrow, we'll see. Thanks Ya'll!

Rita Kirkman Daily Paintings and Art Journal said...

Hy Susan, love the video! Ditto what everyone else has said, don't WORRY about YOU!! everyone's eyes were on the PAINTING!! Wow! love to watch the process. I rarely have time to "browse" the web, but your email about the blog workshop caught my eye, and here i ended up again, checking out your blog. It's really interesting and very telling to see just how many comments you get on almost every entry! You've got quite a following! I want a blog like yours!!
I'd be at your workshop, but you know me; I have no weekend off til august now...! So i must be content with checking your blog and soaking up the inspiration.
BTW: Your gallery is charming!! saw it in early april and bought a little pigeon painting by Pamela.

rob ijbema said...

hi Susan,really enjoyed your video demo.portraits are a bit of a mystery to me and this a great way to show
the result is great and you made me laugh...great sense of humor.
thanks for posting this