Paintings and Works-in-Progress by Susan Carlin. Portraits, figures, still life, the occasional landscape, and abstracts
This is a video of the beginning and middle of the painting of my dad. Even after editing out some nonsense, it's over 40 minutes long. I thought about breaking it up and posting it in bits, but I imagine you can start it and stop it on your own if you're interested at all. Right?Thank you for the positive reinforcements on my first efforts. You may have created a monster! Just saying.Oh... the paint color I couldn't remember in the video is olive green.Stay in touch!To email me: susan@susancarlin.comBlog/Susan Carlin's Art Journal:
Thanks so much for making the video, you are a mine of information, very useful. What brand of paint do you use you mentioned Old Holland? You are so talented and you make it look so easy and even finished it in just 2painting sessions, amazing. So lovely and loose yet so perfect ah.......
Thank you for doing another video Susan, this is the only time I've got to watch a portrait painter. You make it look easy and make me want to try it. The revisions you made on the painting of your dad are perfect. It looked like him before but the changes made a big difference. Keep em coming. Barb
Diana and Barbara- thank you for wading all the way through! I've gotten lots of nice comments sent by email, too, so I guess I'll be making more down the line... with less hair in the way!
Oh! Diana- My paint box is a jumble of every sort of brand of oils. I don't own a single Old Holland because I'm a big ol' tight wad. Karin Jurick recommended a couple of their colors and I stood at the counter at Jerry's Artarama and broke out in a sweat at the prices. Found substitutes in lower price brands. It's hard enough for me to buy a few Rembrandt brand tubes! Now you know (one of my) Achilles heel/s.
Susan, thank goodness you didn't break this up into bits. I wouldn't mind if it were an hour or more. Watching the interaction between you and your charming dad is just wonderful. You are truly an accomplished and sensitive portrait painter. Thanks for sharing your process as well as this special time in your life.
Hi Susan,Thanks for the info about the paint, yes I've been checking out prices of paint too and the prices vary wildly at on-line stores so its good to shop around I use mostly Winsor and Newton with a few tubes of Rembrandt, and other brands thrown in for good luck. So now at least I don't feel I have to go out and restock my paints! (I would have to take out a loan with some of those prices!!!)
Your dad is such a cutie! What a special video of portraiture to include him. He must be very proud of you! Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed watching and listening to your thoughts as you work. Very refreshing and a masterpiece to boot!
My gosh that painting turned out GREAT!
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Thanks so much for making the video, you are a mine of information, very useful. What brand of paint do you use you mentioned Old Holland? You are so talented and you make it look so easy and even finished it in just 2painting sessions, amazing. So lovely and loose yet so perfect ah.......
Thank you for doing another video Susan, this is the only time I've got to watch a portrait painter. You make it look easy and make me want to try it. The revisions you made on the painting of your dad are perfect. It looked like him before but the changes made a big difference. Keep em coming. Barb
Diana and Barbara- thank you for wading all the way through! I've gotten lots of nice comments sent by email, too, so I guess I'll be making more down the line... with less hair in the way!
Oh! Diana- My paint box is a jumble of every sort of brand of oils. I don't own a single Old Holland because I'm a big ol' tight wad. Karin Jurick recommended a couple of their colors and I stood at the counter at Jerry's Artarama and broke out in a sweat at the prices. Found substitutes in lower price brands. It's hard enough for me to buy a few Rembrandt brand tubes! Now you know (one of my) Achilles heel/s.
Susan, thank goodness you didn't break this up into bits. I wouldn't mind if it were an hour or more. Watching the interaction between you and your charming dad is just wonderful.
You are truly an accomplished and sensitive portrait painter. Thanks for sharing your process as well as this special time in your life.
Hi Susan,
Thanks for the info about the paint, yes I've been checking out prices of paint too and the prices vary wildly at on-line stores so its good to shop around I use mostly Winsor and Newton with a few tubes of Rembrandt, and other brands thrown in for good luck. So now at least I don't feel I have to go out and restock my paints! (I would have to take out a loan with some of those prices!!!)
Your dad is such a cutie! What a special video of portraiture to include him. He must be very proud of you! Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed watching and listening to your thoughts as you work. Very refreshing and a masterpiece to boot!
My gosh that painting turned out GREAT!
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