Man and Horse progress, and Cuddle Cats

18" x 24" oil on stretched canvas.
Well, I had to redraw/repaint much of the horse's head when I looked it fresh this morning. It was too narrow and the eye too high. It still needs a lot, but I like the drawing a bit better. My objective today was just get the white of the canvas covered. Monday I'll dig deeper.

I saved an hour at the end of the day for "dessert." These kitties were very sweet to paint-

6" x 6" oil on Gessobord.
Have a great weekend!


Jo Castillo said...

Hi Susan, I really like the man and horse. Great start. You get a great likeness so quickly it seems. :)

The kitties are cute, too.

RickMicGoneFishin said...

Cats and horses have a special place in my heart and you paint them both so well. I love visiting your blog because what you do is inspiring. I don't know how you have time for it all. Be sure you continue to have fun.

Frank Gardner said...

Looks good so far Susan.
I'll try and log on to see you tomorrow.
Really? We can tell jokes?