I'll be painting my cat online at noon on Sunday!

Come hang out with me and watch me paint on http://www.ustream.tv/channel/susancarlin at noon (Central Time) on Sunday, August 3! I'll be painting a small oil (with brushes this time- not a palette knife) of my cat, Joel. (photo references below)
You can just watch and listen, or you can register and log in so you can join in the chat. I'll be able to read your questions and comments and respond aloud as I paint. I hope you'll join me!


Pattie Wall said...

Hey girl! I am planning on hanging out tomorrow at noon. I am excited about your painting a cat, too! You do such a great job on them! I have registered and am ready to go!

Susan Carlin said...

Cool beans, Pattie! Joel isn't very colorful, since he's basically a grey tabby, but I'm going to try to play up what color he has. See you tomorrow!

Barbara Pask said...

I'll be there, yea! The start you have on the little girl and dog is so nice, I love the light on her face.

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

If I weren't hosting a family party tomorrow at noon I would definitely be here! I love the bottom photo of Joel - such a beautiful expression! Good luck, and I hope to catch it another time!

Jo Castillo said...

Will try to see you tomorrow. Should be fun.

Susan Carlin said...

Thank you Barbara- I'm glad you're going to join me AGAIN! You were my good luck charm last time, I'm sure of it.
Kelley, I'm going to really try to remember to push record this time at the beginning... but maybe I need to figure out a better day or time to do this?
Jo! I hope to "see" you again tomorrow, whether it's you or your whole family! (I was very flattered by that, by the way.)

dudek said...

Met you in SA on a rainy day late July. Love your work and hopefully will be able to participate today.

Ann Byrd"s Painting Blog said...

Susan, I have long been wanting to join you today online. Now am being thrown offline. Is it that I am jammed out by your great success? annbyrd

Karen Jensen said...

What a handsome cat!

WCaro said...

Much fun watching and listening yesterday. Loved the "bristle pick" technique.