I got to work on this painting, one of the two commissions I want to finish this month, for a couple of hours today. It's 18" x 24". I think I'm really going to enjoy this one. So far I've just used a small bright bristle brush to get the sketch on, and then a large, wide flat bristle brush to block it out this far. I'm trying the idea of the dark background above the stable wall. The reference has round bars like a jail cell and a window beyond them- not attractive. I think with the rim lighting along the top of the mane, the separation between horse and background might work. I haven't put much effort into the man's likeness yet, so the smile is a bit wide top to bottom and i think the face is a bit long. It's fun to work on something large enough to force me to step back often to even see if I'm getting the sketch right. I didn't want to work from a printed photo, so set the computer monitor up on the counter and faced it into the studio. The control that gives me in the way of size and contrast and degree of brightness is helpful.

Life is good!
Off to a wonderful start... what a fun job you've carved out for yourself using your talents.
Looking very good Susan.
I like the dark background too.
Horses have such interesting physiology, don't they? I think it's fun and more challenging to work larger. Sure takes more paint, ha! Lookn' good!
Excellent start. And your explanation is lucid.
Thanks for the in progress shots Susan - nice to see the process, encouraging to see the refinement as it takes place.
Looks like a happy horse. Do I see a slight smile in the photo?
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