Another one

This is the second of the monochromatic portrait sketches. It's not exactly right yet (the whisps of hair in front still bother me) but I like it.

Monochrome oil portrait.

This was an experiment to see if I could do a monochromatic oil sketch in under an hour. It really did look fine at 30 minutes. I fiddled with it another half hour, though and have fiddled further since I took the photo. (Love the alliteration.) I'm thinking I want to do many, many of these. Pretty fun stuff.

Delivered 6 paintings Friday- Coppini and RAC

Thank you all for your title suggestions! I went with "Look, Daddy" but loved the idea of "Treasure Hunters," too.
I took three paintings, two pastels and an oil, (Morning Flight, Caldo and Railroad Man) to Coppini for the Fall Exhibition. I'll get a postcard to say which one/s got in and which ones to pick up again. The reception/awards presentation will be Wednesday, October 4th.
I took another three, two oils and a pastel, (Look Daddy, Apple Reflected, and Flexibility) to Regional Artist Consortium for the airport show, themed "Reflections." I'll get an email saying which got in. I hated to leave my paintings there... folks were just leaning them against the walls, no cardboard or padding between. I get so cranky when my frames are nicked and scratched.
Tomorrow is my day at River Art Gallery so I might try to get a pastel (or two?) done today to take there.
I have a patient in a half hour and I still need to dress. At least there's no commute!

Finish of large pastel... title?

Ok, it's framed, so I guess it's done. I added a little starfish behind the boy purely for composition... trying to make sense of all that space there. My camera punches up blues, I think. I mean, it's blue, but not quite this intense. This is a pastel, 22"x28" framed in an ornate gold frame under non-glare glass. Now if only I knew what to call this. "Shell"? "Treasure"?
Any ideas? I'd need to know by noon tomorrow, if anyone thinks of something better.

Father and Son on the Beach

This isn't quite done, but has come a long way since Tuesday's start. It was my day to paint with Mary Shepard and it took three drawings until I got the figures where they made some sense. I didn't paint Wednesday, but did more Thursday and again today. I hope to finish it tonight and frame it tonight, but whether for the airport show or the Coppini show, I'm still not sure. I'll post a finished image as soon as I'm able.

I love that the baby's holding a shell he's found.

Second of two little paintings.

Actually, I painted this first- Saturday morning - and the little girls on the beach in the afternoon. Then we had game night that evening! Very nice day, no? Wet brushes all day and dominos with friends at night. This painting is 9" x 12" on canvas panel.

Two new small oils

This one of the little girls on the beach is 8"x10" in oil on canvas panel. I took the reference pictures in June on Mustang Island.

Blogger seems to be having trouble right now so I'll try uploading the other image later.

Yesterday I attended a demo by Steve DaLuz at Coppini Academy and urged my sister Patty to become a member. She did... and also was voted Artist of the Month right off the bat! She put up her pastel painting of her middle child, Jake, and it got the most votes. I was so proud.

Tomorrow is Paint Day with Mary Shepard. Donna is off fly fishing in Montana this month.

New still life and finished up Harry

Finally. I just took a whole evening to paint. Felt great. Took the photos for this still life last year. I did several paintings from that day last year, but this was one I hadn't thought I'd do. Loved it after all. 11"x14" oil on stretched canvas.
The one of Harry was a quick study I did last year from a photo session we did, just to see if the painting would work. I cleaned up the computer room/oft-time studio today and decided this painting deserved some attention. I still want to do a "real" painting of him in this pose as well as in some of the others with the "cat's cradle" string. 16" x 20" oil on stretched canvas.