More on the Airport Gate painting....

Tonight's work on the painting. It's going slowly, but I'm liking what's happening. Let me know what you think.


Unknown said...

It is so cool to follow your progress on this painting! And it is looking wonderful. I especially like the sense of motion frozen in time. It's like I'm waiting for the brown-haired girl to get her book from her bag, the young man to look up from his reading as he flips the page while he gently caresses his guitar case with his right hand and the lady in red will, any minute now, adjust her posture because she's uncomforatable after sitting so long waiting on her flight. Good job!

Susan Carlin said...

Thank you, Linda! I feel like I'm getting to know these people, too. I always do with a portrait anyway. But 16???
Did you get the names I suggested on your paintings?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Linda, you described this painting so perfect! It is the sense of movement and individual personalities emerging from a crowd that is so compelling about this composition. You put my feelings and impressions into beautiful words. Thanks! Becky