Artists Need Community, Too!

One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them. - Viriginia Woolf
Yes, ma’am. Passing youth. Ouch and Amen. I was just replying to an email from another member of Austin Pastel Society and put this quote in my reply, then decided I needed to post it, here, too. I found it on Angela Fehr's blog "Celebrating Simplicity" this morning. Thursday was the Austin Pastel Society meeting and I always feel like I'm among "my people" when I'm there. I worked at my art in such isolation for so long. It was joining APS (almost five years ago) that changed all that and gave me the courage to enter competitions and join other art groups, too. For every sad, angry person you have to skirt around in any group, I've found dozens and dozens of happy, supportive, creative, enthusiastic people. I used to avoid groups so I could avoid those occasional stinkers in the midst. I'm much more resilient now and wouldn't miss the party for love or money.
More and more I'm getting to have the experience of helping someone connect with their own artistic efforts and their own artist selves, and that's a huge pleasure for me.
I found out about the smARTist Telesummit a bit late to participate, but got so much from their one-hour "teaser" preview recording on this page: If you right-click on "LEARN MORE" and then click on "Save Target as," then you can pause and rewind and take notes or listen to it later when you have time. There are some very good ideas worth chewing on in there. I'm working on the little girl portrait tonight. May post a progress image later!


Angela Fehr said...

What a feeling of deja vu to see the title of your post, Susan!! I'm not ordinarily a quote junkie, but that one is so apt - and I'm still pretty young! I really appreciate the online arts community for those times when getting out and being part of a local group isn't happening - glad you're part of mine!

Karen Jensen said...

Community has always been important to me, but I find that as I age, I need it to be more specific: not just people I like, but people with whom I share a common passion. I'm inspired by your reaching out to other artists.