Absolutely amazing. Mom's made incredible progress in the last couple of days and so much feels like normal. Lots of laughing, for instance. I think we're out of the dark woods now and the woman who was written off as dead is very, very much alive. I feel completely giddy with the relief and gratitude. She may have some deficit to her energy and stamina in the future, but her spirit is strong and centered on the earth plane for now. We look at each other and our throats well up with it. Today marked one week since her heart attack and no one can believe she's sitting up in the hospice-ordered hospital bed in her bedroom playing dominos (three games) and gin rummy (two games). She ate really well today and walked all the way to the bathroom ( 25 feet) holding my dad around his neck as he walked backwards. Even two days ago we were still bracing ourselves for her spirit to decide to cross on over. Today I feel relaxed with an assumption of her continuing on here. Thank all of you who've lended their shoulders and good wishes.
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