More progress on couple

From here on out there won't be much drama in the progress, as it will all be small refinements, all of which takes lots of time and won't show up as much in the photos. Today I worked mostly on her collar and neck and little touches elsewhere. This photo makes me think I have her eyes just a bit too close together. I'll check on that on Thursday.
Tomorrow's my day off- Marilyn is at the gallery tomorrow- and besides a long list of errands I need to run, I want to start a pastel commissioned portrait of a teenage girl and her horse. It's a very sweet reference photo I'll be working from.
Also, tomorrow I'll revisit my goals and confess my shortcomings and celebrate my achievements. What fun!


Gaye Sekula: Impressions said...

Good job Susan!


Hi Susan,
I love this painting, - couple.
I think the title couple transformed into a bonding.
As this painting was developing with warmth and happiness one can see they are, "Best Friends".
I agree,with the eyes, some what, may be she is not looking to the same point,as much as he is.
Great job! As always with the Carlin Brush.