New Studio... in progress.

I've been working on my studio, trying to organize all the flotsam which survived the big clean-out. I'll have to keep on culling out the unnecessary to make room for the must-haves, though. I'm starting to give a new evening class on Wednesday. I'll just have three students since that's as many as will fit right now. I've called an electrician to install the additional lighting the room needs and I hope it'll be in by Wednesday. Karen gifted me with a great new Verilux lamp when I got home on Thursday night. Thanks, Karen! The thing in the corner may look like a coffee table, but its new life will be as a portrait platform. When I have a sitter, I'll take the finished paintings off, and put a chair on top and draping behind. Thanks Donna B. for suggesting its new use!Of course I'm not going to show the near wall with all the stuff jumbled against it, waiting for order to be created. When it's done, I'll show you. Promise.
I spent much of this morning assembling the new drying rack. I'm so excited to have it for the all the new paintings I'll be doing to list on eBay again. It's been a long time, but I'm getting jazzed about starting that up again.


Jo Castillo said...

Susan, How wonderful to have order in your studio. It looks nice enough to paint in.

I am jealous. Mine at home is pretty good right now since I have most of the litter with me. It makes a two room mess here. Ha.


Unknown said...

How cool! I feel like I really took a tour in person (well, almost) :-) Thanks for sharing. I might do the same (posting a photo tour) sometime since they are finally finished working on the NBAL building...mostly. Anyway, happy painting/drawing/teaching!!