
This is a little 11x14 still life oil on stretched canvas which I started last week with my painting buddies Mary and Donna. The portrait is one I started as a demo in Marble Falls during the portrait workshop.

Unrelated but fun- I've found myself in the throes of teaching old dogs new tricks. Literally. I'm involved with someone who has not one, not two, but three dogs, two of them large- none of whom have been asked to behave until now. They're old. I'm old. Therefore I'm the newest fan of The Dog Whisperer. I'm trying to watch all the reruns as fast as I can. I've ordered the DVDs through NetFlix, we've ordered his book. We're doing dog school at Rob Cary every Sunday. We're taking brisk, purposeful walks through their neighborhood without great straining at the leash. We can now enter and leave the house without them trying to muscle past us at the door in effort to escape. The barking has subsided. We reward the right behavior and correct the wrong. Wow. Just call me Pack Leader. Ok, Co-Pack Leader. Either way, it's good.


Anonymous said...

hi Susan,
Heidi here -- thought I'd drop in and try to get to know a bit more about you before December. I'm stunned that the dogs don't muscle past you at the door. That I've got to see! And less barking???
Are you sure these are Karen's pooches? Have you two checked the cellar for pods?
Give Karen and all the girls a hug for me (excepting perhaps Ruthie. She's a cagey one) and tell Morgan I'm looking forward her.
all the best,

Susan Carlin said...

Hi Heidi!
I'm delighted to find your comment here. I can't pretend the dogs never try to get past us at the door, but it happens less often, I think. Alice is starting to discipline herself when she barks... she looks at us and then heads for the crate. Funny girl. Don't expect totally different doggies when you visit. Just a bit better behaved. Can't wait to meet you in person!