I'm a lucky duck. I got to join in on a five-day workshop with Kimberly Dow in Corpus Christi last week for the last two days. She has a way with paint that intrigues me. She works on a smooth surface with thin layers of paint in a way which feels familiar to this old pastel painter. This is what I managed to do in those two days.... so it's not done by any means, but I learned a LOT. Thought I'd post it anyway.

I'm going to give a two-day portrait workshop in Marble Falls, TX (in oil or pastel) on July 13-14th, Thursday and Friday. $100. Contact me for more details if you're interested.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful painting. I will like to see further developments on it.

My hotmail account has had difficulty connecting to susan@susancarlin.com

Best wishes, June 22, 2006