On New Year's Eve I posted my start of this painting, and promised to show you when I finished it. The deadline for entry into this year's Salon International was Friday, and I got it submitted in the nick of time. Perhaps it's not smart to mention this. What if it's not accepted? After years of competitions I've seen one of my paintings get Best Of Show in one, and not even get accepted in another, so I understand the capriciousness of it all. Still, I am holding my breath. I'll let you know.

About 10 days ago we had a reception for Carol Marine and her beautiful paintings at Nueva Street Gallery. At one point during the reception we did a short (14 minutes, I think) broadcast of talking with her and some of the guests, showing her paintings and then doing a short tour of the gallery and the other work we have right now.
Please just know that it's not a polished video, just an unedited, fun record of part of the party. You can watch it here if you like.
Today started grey and cold and... a Monday. I wanted to stay curled up under the blankets, honestly. Now it's beautiful and clear and 63 degrees in San Antonio, with many happy travelers and convention-goers coming in and taking home art that makes them even gladder to have visited our fair city.
Always a good lesson: A day can always get more beautiful, a friendship can deepen, you can learn something valuable, you can be a bright spot for a stranger and you can cross some items off your to-do list and feel more accomplished by just showing up sometimes.
Hope you have a magical day!
Today started grey and cold and... a Monday. I wanted to stay curled up under the blankets, honestly. Now it's beautiful and clear and 63 degrees in San Antonio, with many happy travelers and convention-goers coming in and taking home art that makes them even gladder to have visited our fair city.
Always a good lesson: A day can always get more beautiful, a friendship can deepen, you can learn something valuable, you can be a bright spot for a stranger and you can cross some items off your to-do list and feel more accomplished by just showing up sometimes.
Hope you have a magical day!
Awesome painting, I just love it. Cool perspective, sweet face, and as always, so much going on behind the eyes of your subject.
Your gallery looks fantastic. You put so much goodness out into the world, Susan. :)
I am truly moved by this painting Susan. It is a very sensitively portrait of a beautiful child. It gets my vote for best in show!
What a wonderful, pensive expression on the face of this lovely child. I know how I would vote - this is a definite winner for me.
Thanks for this one Susan, it was minus 20 degrees Celsius today when I headed out. Sometimes I need a little inspiration, and you provided it. You look positively radiant in your photo and the painting is amazing.
Ok, your painting is just amazing! Well done, great composition, it's very moving. Just wonderful. Thanks for sharing it!
This is an incredible painting, Susan. It has the "it" factor- that undefinable something that makes it really stand out. You've managed to communicate not just a face, but a personality. Well done!
Carol is looking awfully happy in that picture. Oh, wait, she has a glass of wine :-) She's such a neat person, very fun.
And the winner is......... I just love this one. You share, instruct and inspire. Thank you. Your studio and the party look great, too.
A very expressive portrait!And I enjoyed to watch your video!
This painting is as magical as the day you wished for all of us, Susan.
I think it's one of your best and in my eyes, you have many many fabulous paintings.
Love Love LOVE the composition!!
Fantastic painting and
Beautiful blog too !!:)
Your painting is stunning, and I wish you much luck with your entry. I know how you feel about entering paintings as I do the same with mine, never knowing if I'll be accepted or not. We just have to keep going! All the best luck.
I'm voting with Dana "Best in Show"! This is my very favorite and you know I LOVE all your work! Thanks so much for sharing the journey with us! The updated website looks fab. What an inspiration you are, Susan!
Beautiful! Would definitely get my vote :)
Completed, submitted and accepted! Woo hoo. So happy for you Susan, such a beautiful painting it absolutely should be there. Hugs
Congratulations on being accepted in the show with this wonderful painting Susan! You did a magnificent job on this charming girl.
Glad we can let out our breathes and uncross our fingers now!!
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