
The owner of this dog wanted to commission a painting of his now departed companion, a golden retriever, and told me the dog's name was Vincent Van Gogh. So I boldly suggested that perhaps he might like me to paint Vincent as Vincent Van Gogh might have painted it. I was surprised and delighted when he said yes! This is as far as I've gotten today. I like a lot about it. I'm going to see how I feel about it tomorrow, but thought I'd post my progress tonight to see what you think....


Karen Jensen said...

Vincent Van Dog is lovely!

Rosemary said...

Wow Susan! What a great idea. This composition really works! The fellow is going to love it!

Terry Krysak said...

What a wonderful idea!!!!
Great painting, the owner will surely be thrilled with it.

Barbara Pask said...

Susan, This is wonderful, what a great idea. You always amaze me.

Anonymous said...

I think it's exciting and delightful. The owner will love it.

Karen Hargett said...

I love it!

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Susan,

Super portrait.


Shelley Bittick said...

What a wonderful idea!!! I think you better have a big box of kleenex for Vincent's dad when you unveil this treasure.

Jo Castillo said...

Wow! Great idea and painting. Nice complements and composition

Susan Carlin said...

Wow- thanks Everyone! I've been looking it over the last day or so and see that I need to just keep going. It will look even better more thickly painted. It was necessary to paint a thin cover for the white canvas before painting the linear strokes, or the white would forever be peeking through. Now I want to fill in the spaces, perhaps with varying brush widths.

Marilyn Moore said...

Only you would think of doing this painting in the style of VanGogh. Wonderful idea. The painting looks done. What more could you do? Fresh, playful, colorful, and happy. Makes me smile on the inside. Let me know the owner's reaction.

M. M. Harman said...

Susan it's marvelous!! You captured, in my humble opinion, the essence of canine companionship. The joy in the eyes when his human is near. The ready to jump and play attitude. The dizzy energy of remembered puppyhood...It's an amazing tribute. I'm sure it will provide many smiles to Vincent's loving family. It worked for me!!

L.Holm said...

What a whimsical, wonderful idea! I love it!