In The Wings

Paintings and Works-in-Progress by Susan Carlin. Portraits, figures, still life, the occasional landscape, and abstracts
My artist friend Dianne Mize and her paintings are featured on Empty Easel right now. Congratulations, Dianne!
I'm hoping to paint again on UStream soon, but you can bet I'll be using a brush vs. a palette knife! Karen Hargett suggested painting a kitty face- sounds good to me! I'll let you know when I can carve out a couple of hours... maybe Sunday again.
Monday and Tuesday was spent teaching and today I ran errands and went to the movies with my daughter, so there aren't new paintings to show right now. I hope to paint tomorrow and to post something later in the day.
I've been thinking a lot about goals and being more deliberate about the direction of my painting efforts. I set some goals at the beginning of the year and I see that some of them have lost a little steam now by July. When I get things a bit more solidified in my brain, I'd like to share them as I see that other artists regularly do- because I think that might help me keep them in focus. How do you keep your artistic and professional goals at the top of your everyday to-do list? I'd like to hear your thoughts about this, if you'd like to comment.
I painted this one yesterday, starting around 11:00, as a "warm up" to make sure everything was working before the 12:00 noon starting time. It's rather slap-dash, but every bit of practice helps, right? Barbara Pask tuned in early and stayed with me the whole time! Thank you, Barbara!
At noon, I took a vote among those logged in about which painting to do, thinking there'd be just one. The man with the beard won by a vote. I actually kind of like the way his whiskers worked out. I see lots of things on the painting that could be improved, of course, but I like a lot about this one.
Since we were on a roll, so I went ahead and started this one of Kim....
It could use a LOT of work still, but I enjoyed the beginning of it pretty well. Thank you to everyone who tuned in and kept me company yesterday!
Barbara Pask, Sharon Cullen, Karen Hargett, Regina Calton Burchette, Stacey Peterson, Chris Armes, Bonnie Mann, Carol Mitchell, Dar Presto, Jo and Gene and Joanna Castillo, Sarah Sedwick, Amy Sullivan, Ann Reyes, Dianne Mize (and her students!), Sherrie Allyn... I'm certain I'm forgetting someone... remind me?... Thank you all!
These are the possible reference photos I could use for today's painting at noon on www.ustream.tv/channel/susancarlin
The top one is a photo of an artist friend, Kim, that Karen took last November. The lower two are from the copyright-free image library on www.wetcanvas.com
I'll leave it up to those who keep me company as to which one I paint. Got a preference?
Back to my brushes... actually one brush, a very cheap bristle flat. I really do need better brushes. I used the palette knife to scrape out the whiskers. I like this little painting. Every time I paint a cat, I wish I had 10 more in a row to do.
Tomorrow is my 53rd birthday and a new artist, Ilze, will be at my gallery so I can go visit other art galleries and museums all day. Karen and I are going to the McNay and the San Antonio Museum of Art and the Greenhouse Gallery. Heaven, right? We'll have dinner with family at Texas Roadhouse (a peanut-shells-on-the-floor, noisy, steaks-and-baked-potatoes sort of place) and then head home for a piece of the chocolate Kahlua cake Karen's making today.
Sunday I'm having a party online with you! And we don't even have to wear silly hats. Well, you can if you want to... who's to know?
Well, this has been an exciting day for me. It's 4:30 now and at 11 or so I started this 16 x 20 oil on canvas panel. I've had so much fun painting it! Of course, it's been frustrating and I've had to repaint several areas because the knife did something I didn't expect and because the surface is so thick with paint, it's tricky to add a nuance without destroying what's underneath. But I do like the results and can't wait to dive in on the next subject !
I used a photo of a woman who visited the gallery maybe two months ago. When she walked in I started begging for photographs of her. She took mercy on me and let me snap a few. I loved this one of her arms crossed and with the viewpoint from below. She was wearing pink in the photo but I thought it undermined her power somewhat so I painted her in red. I also removed her purse and extended her hair down in front, as if perhaps a braid.
This experience rates a very loud WAH HOOOO!
After finishing Grace today, I wanted to do something different... something other than a portrait, I mean. I've been inspired by Ann Reyes and Kathryn Law working more impressionistically with a palette knife and thought I'd have time to try a small painting in the time I had left in the day. This is from a photo I took when my Dad was visiting in April. I had fun painting this! It'll take longer to dry since the paint stands up thickly off the surface, but what the heck. I'm often so stingy with paint that it's therapeutic for me to ladle it on. I bought some new very large tubes of paint from Utrecht to see what all the fuss is about, so I think I'll try to use the palette knife and lay it ON. I've never tried a palette knife portrait, but I can feel one coming on..... Has anyone tried it? What do you think? Show me pictures?
This painting was so sweet to do. Getting to look into a smiling baby's eyes for hours... not a bad way to spend one's time.
I had a fun time today painting this fellow, James. A young woman named Alexis who was being trained by the Travel Channel to record video and interview people had been sent out to gather 15 minutes of someone doing something. I got to be the someone and I got to paint the something. I went next door to see if I could round up a model and James volunteered. (Reluctantly, I think.) The first version is below and took about 45 minutes. I took his photo and worked another 45 minutes to an hour on it since. I still see discrepancies- the nose, especially, isn't right, but Hey! it's not a commission and he's not going to buy it, and I've deemed it done. So there.
And I thought I was going to do office work all day... this was MUCH more fun. The office work can wait.
This is the recording I made Tuesday night at the Trinity Art League when I painted a demonstration of an oil portrait. Henry Cardenas was the model.
This was an over 400 MB file, compressed to 87 MB in order to be able to post the whole hour, so the video quality isn't the best (maybe that's a blessing?), but Barbara Pask said she could take a whole hour, so ok... here it is! Be careful what you ask for, Barb.
I really like what David Darrow is doing at UStream with DaveThePaintingGuy.com The video quality is GREAT. I'll try to figure out what it would take. Problem with that way is ... no editing. Yikes!
Henry was a good sport and sat for my demonstration for the Trinity Art League tonight. It's challenging to instruct and chat while painting, but I talked a blue streak nonetheless. I even set up my little Flip Video and recorded the whole shebang. I haven't seen it yet, so it may be something that will need a music soundtrack vs. my voice... we'll see.
The members were very welcoming and complimentary. Thanks, Everyone!
Jerome P. Peters wandered into my little studio/gallery not long ago and before long we were talking artist-to-artist and of course I wanted to see his work online. Nothing! So I gave him my Blog Pep Talk (several of you have been subject to it, so you know what I mean...) and he went on his merry way. I just got an email with a link to his brand new blog!
I got some better photos of these three paintings, so thought I'd post them. "A Day To Remember In La Villita" 24" x 36" oil on stretched canvas.
Paola at Eleven 8"x10" oil on canvas panel
Riverwalk Bridge 11"x14" oil on stretched canvas.
These fellows, vacationing from Oklahoma, sat for their portraits today. 8"x10" on canvas panel.
We've had torrential rain off and on yesterday and today- what a relief! It cooled the city down and has given some life to the crispy greenery... which had become mostly brownery over the last few weeks.
8"x10" oil on canvas panel
I forgot my camera at home today so had to make do with my phone's camera. At the end of the day I got to paint this girl, Paola, whose 11th birthday is today. I'll try to get a better photo tomorrow.
I finished Dottie today. I'm not sure this was the final version, but probably close enough.
In between Dottie and Paola, I worked a bit on this painting of the San Antonio Riverwalk. It had the effect of sherbet between dinner courses.
Now I'll go visiting blogs to see what my friends painted today! I love this time of day.
Well, I worked on this painting all day and was convinced I was done until I just resized the photo to post. Now I see that the bridge of her nose is the teensiest bit too wide. Sigh. I'll correct that in the morning, but in the meantime... here's Dottie so far.
This is the finish of Pee Wee. I like it quite a lot.
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