Yesterday morning Karen and Don Wagoner provided the truck and four strong arms to move the counter and a thousand other things down to the gallery. Thank you both for your help and your friendship!
Karen J. helped lug those thousand things and find places for office supplies, then unboxed and hooked up the fridge and printer and microwave. She potted up some pansies and designed some painting labels and a guest list, too. Oh, and drove to downtown and back three times, once because I forgot my keys! She's a good, good woman. Thank you, Karen!

I wish I could post photos of Elizabeth Siglar and her S.O. Cheff, who showed up in the late morning and asked how they could help. I was scurrying around so fast I didn't think of photos until they'd gone, but before you could say "Angels from Pipe Creek," they had built the grid wall at the end of the patio, hung the sign and painted the downspout! Cheff also bent about a gazillion curtain hooks to the right configuration that makes them work on the pegboard to hang paintings. They both had great suggestions about additional lighting and storage for the gallery. Thank you Elizabeth and Cheff!

People wandered in even as we were still working to put things where they should go. I had three inquiries about having portraits made before I left to get cleaned up for the opening. Amazing.
This is Pamela Clarkson below doing her family's signature photo gesture toward her paintings in the gallery. She's a terrific artist who works mainly in oil, and is so much fun. She'll be painting at the studio/gallery on Friday each week.

I thought I got photos of Mary Shepard last night, but we were using Pam's camera for those, so I'll try to get one of them and post it soon. Mary's work is absolutely beautiful. She works in watercolor and oil. Mary will be painting at the studio/gallery on Wednesdays. Yea!

We have so much to figure out. A good tag system for labeling paintings, inventory lists, which nearby restaurants deliver... But I think we're off to a good start.

This is how it looked as we left for the night.

We have so much to figure out. A good tag system for labeling paintings, inventory lists, which nearby restaurants deliver... But I think we're off to a good start.

This is how it looked as we left for the night.
I'll be back Monday morning and will begin a painting in the new studio. Come by and visit me if you can.
Very very exciting for you Susan! It looks lovely. Thanks for posting all the pictures. My good wishes for your continuing success and satisfaction go out to you as you prepare for your opening! If I'm ever in your neck of the woods I'll definately come see you.
Congratulations!! This is so exciting and wonderful. I'll be down to paint one day. Yippee!!
Susan - The studio / gallery looks wonderful and very professional!! You got a lot done in a short amount of time. When is the grand opening? I want to come - can't wait to see it in person!
Way to go, Susan! 'Next time I'm in San Antonio, I'm gonna stop in.
Hi Susan. I am here thru Jo's blog. Congratulations on your new studio. Best of luck.
Thank you, everyone! I'm feeling positively blessed out of my socks.
I so appreciate the positive vibes from ya'll.
Backatcha, friends!
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