Wide World (in progress) 11x14, oil

Detail from Wide World, oil
I'm only a little way into this painting, but I do like the beginning of it. I thought I'd share its rough state with you and promise to show you the finish when I get there. The reference is from photos I took in France this summer in the small town of St. Florent Le Vieil on the Loire river. This girl was in a window overlooking the narrow street I walked back to our bed and breakfast from the Abbey where the International Pastel Festival was being held. I knew when I looked at the photo later that I'd want to paint her, and now that all my Christmas portrait commissions got to their recipients on time, I'm glad to have begun this one for me!
Nueva Street Gallery has been bustling with happy Holiday visitors to La Villita, and today the city is gearing up for 250,000 visitors for the New Year's party, Celebrate San Antonio, which happens right outside the gallery in Hemisfair Park tonight. Should be very exciting with all the music and fireworks!
I wish you much joy and creativity and love in the year ahead.
Thank you for being a part of my world!