Upsie Daisy, 14 x 11 oil
Online Still Life Painting Workshop Report

Daisies' Date, oil, 14" x 11" $400 unframed, $450. framed
- My painting from the workshop yesterday. (The painting within the painting is by Barbara Pask. )
Look for the images of the other artists' paintings below....
Nineteen wonderful artists registered for my first online painting workshop and seventeen attended it live yesterday. The other two will take the workshop from the video recordings we created yesterday. I was so impressed with each artist's work and their good nature as we rolled with occasional difficulty using Ustream as our means to connect. Between those delays and my having chosen a reference that was a bit complicated we ran later than we'd planned, but they hung in there, creating beautiful paintings every one.
I plan to offer other online workshops in the future, putting to use all I learned and making changes suggested by the artists in this first one. Portraiture, figures, pastel, more still life... my mind whirls with the possibilities!
If you couldn't attend yesterday's workshop live, but would like to take it by painting along to about 8-9 hours of videos on your own time in your own home, let me know. $40. (Critiques of your resulting work are not included with this option.)
I'll add images of the other artists' workshop paintings on this post as they are sent to me... check back over the next few days!

Ruthie Sexton

Annice Anderson

Debra Bryant

Barbara Pask

Gwen Bell

Peggy Montano

Pattie Wall

Marilyn Harman

Norma Folse
Casual Company...and Saturday's workshop
Casual Company, oil, 10" x 8"
I took many photos of still life arrangements in preparation for this Saturday's online painting workshop I'm offering... then could only pick one for the workshop! The other references seemed to cry, "Not fair!" So this is another painting from those references. Same apple, yes. I painted this during the Olympics' opening ceremonies Friday evening , and yesterday I thought it was dry enough to put in a frame and take with me to the gallery. It sold to a young, beautiful couple from L.A. I'm glad I thought to photograph it before they walked in!
There is still room for perhaps 4 more artists in the workshop this Saturday, February 20. We'll start at 9 a.m. Central, everyone in their own homes next to their computers. We'll paint til noon, everyone following along as I lead the way through the painting. Then they'll email me images (if they like) of their works-in-progress and I'll do an assessment-and-suggestion session online. We'll paint again until 4:00 and have another assessment session. Everything will be recorded so that the artists can revisit any or all of the workshop for a month following. So if someone has to leave early or loses their internet connection, no worries! If you'd like to spend the day with me (and with a great group of artists through the chat room) email me and we'll get you registered. It's $50. for the workshop.
Still Life Fun and Online Painting Workshop
Last night I painted this during my online broadcast... and after. I enjoyed chatting with the other artists, then said goodnight and couldn't seem to stop painting. At midnight I declared it finished. This morning I see a couple of things I'll tweak later today, but I'm really pleased with this one.
Arneson Stroll, 18 x 24 oil, Arneson River Theater, San Antonio
This is the completed painting of the Arneson River Theater and Rosita's Bridge. It was fun to incorporate the three figures into the landscape.
When you visit San Antonio, walk up the ampitheater steps (shown on the left) to the street level, turn left a few steps past the Little Church of La Villita, then right a few steps to my gallery- Susan Carlin Art Studio And Gallery. You might find me painting, or you might meet my sister, artist Patty Cooper, or my friend, artist Bonnie Mann. La Villita is San Antonio's Historical Arts Village and has many shops and galleries to explore. Come visit!
My painting was accepted in Salon International!
Please forgive me for posting twice today, but the accepted entries were announced today- a day early. Gentleman Traveler was accepted! To see my name in a list with such amazing artists is an incredible validation. You can bet when I got the email telling that the list had been revealed, my face went hot and my hands shook until I could get to the site and scrolled down the alphabetized names to find my own! I whooped. I hollered. I did my silly happy dance. I have a student in the gallery with me today so she got hugged and bounced up and down.
I just had to tell you!
Happy, happy Susan
Second Anniversary of Gallery!
Even though the rest of America thinks of February 2nd as Groundhog's Day, for me it's when I opened Susan Carlin Art Studio And Gallery in 2008. These have been the best two years of my life. It was crazy, but when I opened the gallery I still tried to see patients one day a week for a while. I got a grip around April and closed my chiropractic practice for good.
Well-meaning friends and patients expressed a lot of concern and sometimes outright pessimism about my plan to earn my living from painting alone. It's so great to stand here two years later thrilled at how well it's gone. If you need any encouragement to take your dreams seriously, I offer that encouragement now. Just take one step in that direction. Then another. Then another. Who knows? Maybe you'll find yourself in a happy brisk walk with a grin on your face sooner than you thought!
The above is the start of an 18"x24" oil of the Arneson River Theater on San Antonio's Riverwalk. It's about 100 steps from my little gallery. This morning I went to take photos of the trees on either side of this scene to fill in the gaps on the references I've been using. I've put together three photos for the main reference and have removed some people and rearranged the others. I'm thinking of giving the woman in the foreground an ice cream cone. Too cutesy? Hmmm...