Painting & reference from Sunday's online session
Two fun paintings... just for me this time!
Golden Eyes
7" x 5" (17.8cm x 12.7cm)
Oil on Canvas Panel
$80 with FREE shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.
I set aside the commissions for today and painted two small paintings for fun. Actually, the one of the cow is from the reference Karin Jurick posted this week on Different Strokes From Different Folks. She posts a new reference photo every Wednesday which she uses to paint from, and invited other artists to submit their own version by the next Wednesday, then posts all of the submitted paintings. It's so interesting to see all the different "takes" on a theme. I tried to use every color on my palette.

Cafe Latte'
8" x 10" (20.4cm x 25.4cm)
Oil on Canvas Panel
$120 with FREE shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.
Painting & reference from Sunday's online session
I enjoyed painting this one, especially because I had fun company online as I painted. It's oil on 9"x12" on RtisTx board- the first time I've used it and I liked it a lot. I took this photo at night in fluorescent light, so all the blues are more saturated than in the painting, but I thought I'd post it anyway. I did fiddle with a couple of details this evening before photographing it. I couldn't help it!
You can watch the two one-hour recordings of it being painted at anytime.
I'm painting online Sunday at 1 Central
I’ve been looking forward all week to painting for you. Carol Marine has graciously given me permission to use as my reference a photograph she took of one of the artists in her workshop. (I’ll post the reference on my blog just before the show.) I hope you can come hang out with me and the cool folks who wander in. 1 p.m. Central time.
Start of portrait from burned photo
I've painted maybe 5 hours on this 11x14 oil so far. The reference photo had been burned so I'm piecing it together from other photos of them from the 40's, when the ref. photo was taken. I see lots of issues to work out yet, but thought I'd post what I have done so far. It's so good to get back to painting after days of working on my taxes. I hope I've learned the "don't take an extension" lesson for good this time.
Let's Go See The Impressionists in Fort Worth!
Let's go see the paintings at the Kimball Art Museum in Fort Worth on November 1 and November 2! The Chicago Art Institute has loaned 92 Impressionist paintings to the Kimball and that will be the last weekend of the exhibit. I'm delivering two paintings to a show in Fort Worth that weekend and thought it would be wonderful to meet up with any of you who'd like to ooh and ahh at the beautiful paintings with us. It'd be so fun to get to know some of you better.
The Kimball opens at 10 a.m on Saturday and closes at 5. We're driving up from San Antonio Saturday morning and will get to the Kimball between 11 and noon. I have to deliver the paintings before 6, but we could all get together for dinner that evening and whatever might come next! We will likely go back to the Museum on Sunday, too. It's open noon to 5 on Sunday.
I've booked a room at the Springhill Suites at 3250 Lovell Avenue, Fort Worth (817-878-2554) which is less than two miles from the museum at 3333 Camp Bowie Boulevard, Fort Worth.
Who's in?
-Excited Susan
210-226-3992 Gallery
My apologies! A solution?
Last Sunday's Painting... x 5!
I worked on this a bit more Wednesday evening and like it much better now.
11" x 14" (28.0cm x 35.6cm)
Oil on Canvas Panel
These three artist friends also painted from the same photograph reference- each of their paintings turned out beautifully!

Karen Hargett, 5x7 pastel on velour

Barbara Pask 6x6 oil
Reference and painting from Sunday's online session
Ok, today was fun and odd at the same time. Had a rude heckler-type fellow show up and I hadn't bothered to learn how to use the moderation tools in order to kick him out, so he managed to change the mood a bit, darnitall. Thank heavens for the likes of Barbara Pask, Karen Hargett, Micki, Jane, Pat Schultz and several others who kept the conversation positive. Thank you, sweet artists all!
This painting was done between 1 and 2:45 p.m. I see LOTS I'll want to change, but this is where I left off at 2:45. I'm not sure how I forgot to complete the bluish shadows to the viewer's right of the figure. Lots of details are possible yet, and I see some sharp edges that I'll want to soften. I do like the feeling of this little painting, though, so it'll be worth continuing, I think.
Some of the viewers wanted to paint from this reference, too, so I encouraged them to do that and send them to me so I can post them by next Sunday. Karen Hargett has already sent hers (!!!) and it's a beautiful 5x7 pastel I look forward to posting.
Palette knife cat me solve it?
Life Is Just A Bowl Of Kitties
14" x 11" (35.6cm x 28.0cm)
Oil on Stretched Canvas
$150 plus $10 shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.
I gave myself a break from commissioned paintings yesterday and painted this 11x14 oil with a palette knife. I really enjoyed the afternoon. The reference photo is from the blog of a woman painter and I promised her I'd send her a photo of it when/if I ever used it for a reference. Maybe I bookmarked her blog on my gallery computer, but I've gone through every bookmark and feed subscription I have here at home and am not finding her. If anyone has seen the photo of this cat on another blog, will you let me know? Thanks!
I'll be painting online Sunday at 1 p.m. Central
I'm back from my travels and have decided to paint online after all tomorrow (Sunday, October 5) afternoon at one. I'd love it if you tuned in and said Hi. I usually paint for two hours. . You might want to register on ustream so you can log in and I'll know who you are when you add to the chat, but you're welcome to just watch and listen, too.