Painted from the model today at Coppini
Well, at least all the white canvas is covered!
It's late, so I'm not going to square up the image to post the painting's progress. It's starting to take shape now. So much to do, but I can almost imagine what it might look like at the end.
Nighty night, All.
Progress on the Wedding Party painting
I got to paint yesterday with Diane Manousos at her home studio and made some progress with this painting. Came home and painted another two or three hours here, too. Today I teach the painting class (now pastel AND oil!) at the Coppini Academy, so I need to make this a short post. Life is sweet when I'm painting. Oh, heck, life is sweet anyway.
Some non-art newsy stuff
Commissioned shepard
This was a commissioned pastel for a very nice woman for her husband's birthday. I hadn't painted a pet in a while and enjoyed it very much. 20"x16"
Alamo painting, "Remember"
I was asked by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas to donate a painting to be used for their Gala this October. It will be on their invitations, the cover of the program, made into posters and notecards and the original will be auctioned during the Gala. The painting was my attempt to represent the Alamo dramatically, and to honor two of the women who were instrumental in acquiring the Alamo for the DRT- Clara Driscoll and Adina DeZavala. I found photos of them on the DRT website and then not only put them together but painted them from behind, gazing on the Alamo. There's an anonymous cowboy and his horse painted unobtrusively in the lower (viewer's) left corner in order to acknowledge the men who've aided them, as well.
Oils in progress

I'm back! No, really. Honest.
I think we've survived the move and have whittled the resulting tower of boxes down to what fits in the guest room. Ok, so the hallway is lined with frames and canvases, too. But the point is that I'm painting again. I've only managed to complete a couple of commissions in what seems like a very long time.
My friends Donna Good and Mary Shepard came to paint all day with me in the new studio Wednesday. I got to work on a large figural painting and it felt wonderful. I have one commission painting to do this month so far, but am holding my breath to hear about another I'd love to get.
Mary Shepard came back yesterday and we went through the process of listing her first painting on eBay. A lot has changed in the year and a half since I was selling paintings on eBay, so I learned as much as I taught. I'd like to start listing paintings, myself, within a week or so.
I'm still teaching the Tuesday classes at Coppini Academy, but am also considering adding a Wednesday night class here in the home studio. A very small class, of course. Three students. Four if they're super friendly.
I'll post some photos of starts I've made since my last post. The pastel starts are ones I did in class as demos and which I'll finish up sometime. If you're reading this, please post a comment so I know someone's out there, ok?