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My artist friend Dianne Mize and her paintings are featured on Empty Easel right now. Congratulations, Dianne!

I'm hoping to paint again on UStream soon, but you can bet I'll be using a brush vs. a palette knife! Karen Hargett suggested painting a kitty face- sounds good to me! I'll let you know when I can carve out a couple of hours... maybe Sunday again.

Monday and Tuesday was spent teaching and today I ran errands and went to the movies with my daughter, so there aren't new paintings to show right now. I hope to paint tomorrow and to post something later in the day.

I've been thinking a lot about goals and being more deliberate about the direction of my painting efforts. I set some goals at the beginning of the year and I see that some of them have lost a little steam now by July. When I get things a bit more solidified in my brain, I'd like to share them as I see that other artists regularly do- because I think that might help me keep them in focus. How do you keep your artistic and professional goals at the top of your everyday to-do list? I'd like to hear your thoughts about this, if you'd like to comment.


Rose Welty said...


I began posting my monthly goals and a review this year because I saw another blogger doing it, just as you say. She seemed to really be meeting her goals, so I thought that it might help me. After about six months of doing them, here are my thoughts...

Pro - Posting the "review of how I did this month" did make me do things , namely, update website regularly and blog sidebar occasionally. I would not have gotten those done otherwise.

Pro - I did get a sense of accomplishment when I met everything in the month. And I do have a better sense of how much I can (or want) to get done in a month.

Pro - Access When I hit spots where I felt lost, I just clicked my label and found the goals. (I did not have to find a piece of buried paper or try to remember. This is especially true for things I wrote down as goals for the year.)

Con - I don't get many comments on these posts, so I don't know how readers feel about them. My 'inspiration' has had the same questions and may be dropping the practice.

Con - I wonder if the regularity of these posts make me seem like a discipline freak.

All in all, they have been good for me and useful to me. That makes me want to continue with them. They may not be of use to anyone else, so perhaps they should just be a personal thing and not published - but I know I wouldn't do them then, so I'm likely to stick to them.

Sorry for the novel! I just wrote a goals post last night and so it was on my mind...especially as I'm hitting one of those "lost" periods. :D

Dianne Mize said...

Thanks for the plug, Susan.

Regina Calton Burchett said...

sticky notes.

Susan Carlin said...

You're a riot, Regina.
Rose, thank you for such a wonderful response. I'm still working on my goals, but I see that it would be very good for me to post them when I get clearer. Thanks again!

Jo Castillo said...

Susan, I am so unorganized and don't use written goals. I did write down my results from last year at the beginning of this year and it was inspiring or a boost to my self confidence to realize that I actually do accomplish things once in a while.

I use ideas from you, Rose Welty, Maggie Stiefvater, Katherine Tyrrell and others to keep me working on goals and continuing my art career. Blogging has helped because I write things down here, that I never did before.

Thank you for your encouragement and ideas.