Two finishes on two cat paintings

These two cats were commissioned by a very nice man and I got to finish them up today after I worked on the portrait of the sisters for a while. Not sure why the first one looks so purple. Trust me.... it's not purple. But it's way off the adorable scale, don't you think?

This is a blurry picture my dad took of Cathy working on her portrait of two pugs while I worked on the sisters.
It was a good day. Thank you to those of you who write me! I appreciate your good wishes more than I can tell you.


Sarah Sedwick Studio said...

Those cats look amazing! Great tip on scratching in the whiskers, too - I'll try it!

Jo Castillo said...

Grrrrreat cats! :) Cathy's pugs look cute, too.

Nice for your Dad to hang out with you. You must be having fun!!

Hi to all.

Patti said...

I love what you've done on our "Sisters" portrait! I've had to keep it a secret from Libbi, since her one shortcoming is that she can't KEEP one! But my husband and our kids love the progress you are making. What a gift you have! Mom is going to love it!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful looking kitty kats and the pugs are sweet too. I know you are enjoying your Dad. What fun!